Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Final Exam idiotics (like antics...but stupid)

So I'm reading my final exams, and I came across a few things.

First - were and where are NOT the same thing! "They where walking" is NOT a correct sentence!

Second - The and They are EXCLUSIVE! "the were walking" is ALSO not a sentence!

C - There = a place. Over There. They're = They Are. It's a contraction. Like It's. Their = possessive. It's their keys.

To sum up - you can use all of these things correctly by saying this:

THEY WERE walking THERE to find THEIR keys. THEY'RE perturbed by the loss.

To continue - IDK is not an acceptable answer.

When I say that you should answer in complete sentences, IT'S COMPLETE SENTENCES OR A FAILURE.

BC doesn't mean anything. Neither does bc. Although one of them probably means Before Christ (or an abbreviation of Before the Common Era), but we aren't in history class. Excuse me, Social Studies.

srsly guys, like wtf.

On a bikely related note, I finally got a Bike Barn water bottle, so I now have bottles from both of my local bike shops. The slush and snow that I drove through with said bike on the back of my car for 5 hours has completely frozen my chain stiff, and the g/f wants to take the bikes to her parents' house for the weekend. I'm thinking of taking my freshly finished Schwinn.

Which brings me to my freshly finished Schwinn World Tourist. Got the bike because the "Schwinn X-tra lite tubing" decal and the fact that it only weighed about 32 lbs with steel rims made me thing cromoly. Apparently not. In looking through Schwinn catalogues, I realized that it's either an '81 or '82 (the only two years with this color, fenders, and no FFS system). According to the literature, it's 1020 carbon steel. I.E. gaspipe. Ironically, it's still lighter than my tigged Tange Univega. Ironic? Regardless, it's painted (badly), and is now sitting in the kitchen while the shellac on the bar paper (you read right) dries.

Pictures are coming. Suffice to say that it's gone from a 5 speed to a 12 speed with drop bars. It can also tell all the other bikes on the rack that it's campagnolo equipped, since I jacked the DT shifters from the Raleigh, as that sorry sack isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Can also say that it's Shimano equipped, incidentally.


  1. Raleigh Record project guy here. Any chance you have a pic of the World Tourist?


    that's what it looked like new. It's now painted (badly) a sea blue with a black headtube. No fenders, drop bars, DTS and alloy 27's. Sugino double up front.

  3. BTW, total weight as-is sits at around 26.5 lbs by my bathroom scale.
