Monday, August 3, 2009

So, this is a blog, huh?

I promise, things will usually be much, much more witty, but for the time being, I suppose this would be a good way to introduce myself (and keep my brain from leaking out of my ear at this absurd summer camp). I am an English teacher who is in his third year of teaching. I'm at a new school, which is rather small, and is only six miles from a house I just bought. Cycling! The old school was about 10 miles away, and I would cycle every day to school. It was nice to meditate and to enjoy the weather, no matter what it is. The six mile commute will be better - a bit shorter, the mornings a bit later, etc. In all, pretty nice.

Regardless, this blog will be about, what else? Cycling, my experiences as a cycle-commuter, stuff ya gotta have (in my opinion, of course), and the like. It will also be about literature, my classes, the books I read (prepare yourself for a rather zombified review in a few days), and my musings on the English language in general.

But, you ask yourself, who should read this blog? Well, if you haven't answered that question for yourself, please kill yourself now. But if you are still hanging in there, this blog isn't about carbon fiber wonder bikes, nor is it about Twilight and other girly books. Here, we will be discussing steel bikes, old techniques, and the finer points of pressing cotters and adjusting Sturmey AW hubs. We will be discussing steampunk, horror, gothic, modern, and classical literature, as well as the literature of the comic book. Occasionally, I'll be discussing things in my life, as they pertain to school, careers, and other things I enjoy.